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Day 1 -Wednesday, September 8

08:30 – OPENING CEREMONY [Main Room]

09:00 – KEYNOTE [Main Room]

Should we believe the 20:80 'rule' for software defects? by Martin Shepperd (Brunel University London, UK)

10:00 – Coffee Break

10:15 – ICT Verification and Validation I [Room A] - Session Chair: Francesca Lonetti (CNR, Italy)

  • #73 Reducing Flakiness in End-to-End Test Suites: An Experience Report - Dario Olianas, Maurizio Leotta and Filippo Ricca.

  • #85 What we talk about when we talk about software test flakiness (short) - Morena Barboni, Antonia Bertolino and Guglielmo De Angelis.

  • #102 Mutation Subsumption as Relative Incorrectness (short) - Besma Khaireddine, Amani Ayad, Marsit Imen and Ali Mili.

11:45 – Lunch Break

13:00 – ICT Verification and Validation II [Room A] - Session Chair: Francesca Lonetti (CNR, Italy)

  • #105 Looking for the needle in the haystack: end-to-end tests in open source projects (short) - Francisco Gortazar, Michel Maes, Micael Gallego and Jorge Contreras Padilla.

  • #69 Evaluating Sensor Interaction Failures in Mobile Applications - Euler Horta Marinho, João P. Diniz, Fischer Ferreira and Eduardo Figueiredo.

13:00 – Software Evolution I [Room B] - Session Chair: Nicolas Anquetil ( INRIA & University of Lille, France)

  • #22 Feature-Oriented Clone and Pull for Distributed Development and Evolution - Daniel Hinterreiter, Lukas Linsbauer, Herbert Prähofer and Paul Grünbacher.

  • #63 Detecting sudden variations in web apps code smells' density: a longitudinal study - Américo Rio and Fernando Brito e Abreu.

14:00 – Coffee Break

14:15 – Software Evolution II [Room B] - Session Chair: Nicolas Anquetil ( INRIA & University of Lille, France)

  • #45 Risk and Complexity Assessment on the Context of Language Migration - Santiago Bragagnolo, Abderrahmane Seriai, Stéphane Ducasse and Mustapha Derras.

  • #61 Automatically Assessing Complexity of Contributions to Git Repositories - Rolf-Helge Pfeiffer.

15:15 – Coffee Break

15:30 – PANEL [Main Room] "Quality and Security: how to preserve quality respecting security requirements "

Day 2 - Thursday, September 9

08:30 – KEYNOTE [Main Room]

Managing Quality in Software and Systems Engineering: A Modeling Perspective by Manuel Wimmer (Johannes Kepler Univ. Linz, Austria)

09:30 – Coffee Break

09:45 – Process Modeling, Improvement and Assessment I [Room A] - Session Chair: Karol Frühauf (INFOGEM AG, Switzerland)

  • #47 Scrum for safety: Agile development in safety-critical software systems - Riccardo Carbone, Salvatore Barone, Mario Barbareschi and Valentina Casola.

  • #24 Empirical evaluation of Agile teamwork - Paolo Ciancarini, Marcello Missiroli and Sofia Zani.

  • #98 STAMP 4 NLP - An Agile Framework for Rapid Quality-Driven NLP Applications Development (short) - Philipp Kohl, Oliver Schmidts, Lars Klöser, Henri Werth, Bodo Kraft and Albert Zündorf.

09:45 – Quality Aspects in Quantum Computing I [Room B] - Session Chair: Manuel Serrano (UCLM, Spain)

  • #52 KDM to UML model transformation for Quantum Software Modernization - Luis Jiménez-Navajas, Ricardo Pérez-Castillo and Mario Piattini.

  • #48 Hybrid Clasical-Quantum Software Services Systems: Exploration of the Rough Edges - David Valencia, Jose García-Alonso, Javier Rojo, Enrique Moguel, Javier Berrocal and Juan Manuel Murillo Rodríguez.

  • #87 Towards a set of metrics for quantum circuits understandability (short) - Jose Antonio Cruz-Lemus, Luis Marcelo and Mario Piattini.

11:15 – Lunch Break

12:30 – Safety, Security and Privacy I [Room A] - Session Chair: Valentina Casola (University of Naples Federico II, Italy)

  • #44 A Critique on the Use of Machine Learning on Public Datasets for Intrusion Detection - Marta Catillo, Andrea Del Vecchio, Antonio Pecchia and Umberto Villano.

  • #59 A Comparison of Different Source Code Representation Methods for Vulnerability Prediction in Python - Amirreza Bagheri and Péter Hegedűs.

  • #51 Threat Modeling of Edge-Based IoT Applications - Massimiliano Rak, Daniele Granata, Ficco Massimo and Giovanni Salzillo.

  • #75 Enforcing mutual authentication and confidentiality in Wireless Sensor Networks using Physically Unclonable Functions: a case study - Mario Barbareschi, Erasmo La Montagna, Salvatore Barone and Alfonso Fezza.

12:30 - Process Modeling, Improvement and Assessment II [Room B] - Session Chair: Karol Frühauf (INFOGEM AG, Switzerland)

  • #28 Process Monitoring Approaches on Small Event Logs - Martin Käppel, Stefan Jablonski and Stefan Schönig.

  • #17 Analyzing a Process Core Ontology and its Usefulness for Different Domains - Pablo Becker, María Fernanda Papa, Guido Tebes and Luis Olsina.

  • #91 Towards understanding quality-related characteristics in Knowledge-Intensive Processes - A Systematic Literature Review (short) - Rachel Simões, Glaucia Melo, Toacy Oliveira and Fernando Brito e Abreu.

14:30 – Coffee Break

14:45 - Safety, Security and Privacy II [Room A] - Session Chair: Valentina Casola (University of Naples Federico II, Italy)

  • #34 GRADUATION: A GDPR-based Mutation Methodology - Said Daoudagh and Eda Marchetti.

  • #43 A Proposal for the Classification of Methods for Verification and Validation of Safety, Cybersecurity, and Privacy of Automated Systems - Jose Luis de la Vara, Thomas Bauer, Bernhard Fischer, Mustafa Karaca, Henrique Madeira, Martin Matschnig, Silvia Mazzini, Giann Spilere Nandi, Fabio Patrone, David Pereira, José Proença, Rupert Schlick, Stefano Tonetta, Ugur Yayan and Behrooz Sangchoolie.

Day 3 - Friday, September 10

08:30 - Safety, Security and Privacy III [Room A] - Session Chair: Valentina Casola (University of Naples Federico II, Italy)

  • #36 Risk Identification based on Architectural Patterns - Maritta Heisel and Aida Omerovic.

  • #57 Expressing structural temporal properties of safety critical hierarchical systems - Massimo Benerecetti, Fabio Mogavero, Adriano Peron and Luigi Libero Lucio Starace.

08:30 – Quality Aspects in ML, AI and Data Analytics I [Room B] - Session Chair: Shuo Wang (University of Birmingham, United Kingdom)

  • #64 Facing Many Objectives for Fairness in Machine Learning - David Villar and Jorge Casillas.

  • #60 A streaming approach for association rule analysis of Spanish politics on Twitter - Pedro J. López, Elena Ruiz and Jorge Casillas.

  • #31 On the Trade-off between Robustness and Complexity in Data Pipelines - Aiswarya Raj Munappy, Jan Bosch and Helena Holmström Olsson.

  • #62 Big Data quality models: A Systematic Mapping Study - Osbel Montero, Yania Crespo and Mario Piattini.

10:30 – Coffee Break

10:45 – Quality Aspects in ML, AI and Data Analytics II [Room B] - Session Chair: Shuo Wang (University of Birmingham, United Kingdom)

  • #71 Business Process and Organizational Data Quality Model (BPODQM) for integrated process and data mining - Francisco Betancor, Federico Pérez, Adriana Marotta and Andrea Delgado.

  • #99 A Checklist for Explainable AI in the Insurance Domain (short) - Olivier Koster, Ruud Kosman and Joost Visser.

11:45 – Lunch Break

13:00 – Evidence-Based Software Quality Engineering I [Room A] - Session Chair: Fernando Brito e Abreu (Iscte - Instituto Universitário de Lisboa, Portugal)

  • #104 A Large-Scale Investigation of Local Variable Names in Java Programs: Is Longer Name Better For Broader Scope Variable? (short) - Hirohisa Aman, Sousuke Amasaki, Tomoyuki Yokogawa and Minoru Kawahara.

  • #29 Where the Bugs Are: A Quasi-Replication Study of the Effect of Inheritance Depth and Width in Java Systems - Steve Counsell, Amjed Tahir and Stephen Swift.

  • #37 30 years of automated GUI testing: a bibliometric analysis - Olivia Rodriguez Valdes, Tanja E. J. Vos, Pekka Aho and Beatriz Marín.

13:00 – Software Quality Education and Training and Quality in Cyber-physical Systems [Room B] - Session Chairs: Claudia Werner (Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil) and Kathia Oliveira (Université Polytechnique Hauts-de-France, France); Shaukat Ali (Simula Research Laboratory, Norway)

  • #72 KNN-Averaging for Noisy Multi-Objective Optimisation - Stefan Klikovits and Paolo Arcaini.

  • #35 Exercise Perceptions: Experience Report From A Secure Software Development Course - Akond Rahman, Hossain Shahriar and Dibyendu Brinto Bose.

  • #41 A Software Quality Course - the Breadth Approach - Luigia Petre.

  • #90 Students projects' source code changes impact on software quality through static analysis (short) - Sivana Hamer, Christian Quesada-López and Marcelo Jenkins.

15h00 – Coffee Break

15:15 KEYNOTE [Main Room]

Providing software quality at scale: learnings, opportunities, and future by Jaime Jorge (Codacy)

16:15 – CLOSING CEREMONY [Main Room]

  • QUATIC'2021 Best Paper Award – QUATIC'2021 Program Chairs

  • Invitation to QUATIC'2022 – QUATIC'2022 Program and Organizing Chairs